college essay ideas

 College essays can be overwhelming, and at times, feel incredibly intimidating. So, how do you go about coming up with ideas and starting to write? First, brainstorm around the assigned topic, or something that you are interested in, passionate about, or have a personal connection to. Think about stories, moments and experiences you’ve had that are relevant to the topic, and ask yourself: what can you tell the admissions officers that they could not figure out from reading your extracurricular list or admissions essays? Your essay should be more than a summary of your accomplishments; it should explain the purpose behind them, and how you have grown from them. Further, think about what you would like your potential future peers and faculty to know about you. How can you use language and anecdotes to allow them to understand who you are as a person, and why you should be admitted to their college? During your brainstorming session, ask yourself questions, come up with multiple ideas, and look for themes. Write everything down, even if it doesn't make sense - the chaos can provide clarity and help uncover the perfect essay idea. In addition to brainstorming, you could do research on the college and the setting, the types of people that attend, and the professors and mentors that you hope to learn from. When writing, don’t be afraid to directly address the purpose of going to college. Just remember that the admissions officers and faculty are looking for individuals who think critically, care deeply, and are driven to succeed. So, don’t forget to show your playfulness and authenticity in your essay, too!

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