Every child has the right to an education and the environment of schools should be nurturing and supportive. In recent years, society has seen a growing trend of inadequate mental health and social services. Too much emphasis has been placed solely on academic achievement, leaving little in the way of counseling and health care in the school setting. This is of great concern considering the social and mental health concerns abound in our current world.
The solution to this problem is to make social services a part of every school’s offering, much like physical education or extracurricular activities. More and more schools are recognizing the need for specialized programs and services, such as afterschool programming, mental health first aid classes, and medications, to provide necessary aid and assistance to their students. Although some schools may charge students for such services, making them free would greatly improve their accessibility.
In addition to increasing access to necessary services, a universal service inside the school setting would also be invaluable to those who may be otherwise unable or unwilling to seek outside help—especially those in poverty or who suffer from stigma or discrimination. It has been well documented that mental health services can be life changing to the millions of children struggling with psychological and emotional issues on a daily basis. Making social services available and free to these students could be revolutionary.
Finally, providing free social services would reduce the financial burden on families struggling to pay for additional services and lead to a more enjoyable and rewarding academic experience for all students, allowing them to thrive mentally and emotionally.
In conclusion, free social services should be made compulsory in all schools in order to offer the best educational experience possible to all students and to reduce the financial burden on families. It is also important to show students that their mental and emotional wellbeing is just as important as their academic success. By making social services accessible and free within the school environment, it will help to create a safe and enjoyable learning environment for all.
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