Children have been exposed to television for many years. Its influence on their behaviour, specifically their cognitive and social development, has been debated by parents, teachers, and researchers for decades. While many parents believe that watching television can negatively impact their children's development, research indicates that there are both positive and negative outcomes associated with a child's television consumption. For instance, some research indicates that children who watch educational programming, are more likely to understand complex ideas and improve their communication abilities. Conversely, larger amounts of time spent watching television has been found to contribute to sleeping difficulties and reduced physical activity. In addition, exposure to violent or adult-oriented content can have a negative impact on a child's moral development.
Overall, the influence of watching television on children's development depends on the type of content that is being consumed, the amount of time spent in front of the television, and the kind of interaction that the parents have with their children while they are viewing the content. For instance, when parents watch shows with their children and engage them in discussing the content in order to reinforce moral lessons, a more positive impact is likely to emerge. Therefore, to ensure the best outcomes, parents must use their judgement to decide what type of content is appropriate for their children's age and employ strategies to limit time in front of the television.
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