need for man making education

 Education is a fundamental necessity of man to grow and advance in life. It is by far the most powerful tool that can open doors of opportunity and bring about immense personal and professional growth. Listening to the proverb “knowledge is power”, one must strive to develop his knowledge to maximize his potential. It helps him to get promoted to higher levels of learning, understand mechanisms of different forces that he encounters in life and appreciate the range of differences the world has to offer. In short, education is key to the development and progress of society, and in turn the development of the individuals. Today, all the countries of the world are getting educated in diverse fields of Science, Technology, Commerce, Arts, etc. to improve their economy as well as to bring up well-rounded citizens. Education is the means to open up job opportunities, better wages and better living standards, be more competitive in the field of work, turn to pursue advanced research and development activities, build a better informed citizen, develop a higher standard of living, strive for the advancement of socioeconomic conditions and meet the challenges posed by the global community. Education is at the core of being capable of making rational decisions based on informed judgement, in order to shape a more prosperous world. This need for man made education, if properly utilized, can be the best tool to break all the social and cultural barriers of life.

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