writing task 2 band descriptors

 Band descriptors are a useful way to assess the quality of written English. They provide an objective structure which contains a detailed description of the different levels of achievement for writing tasks, such as IELTS. The descriptors commonly involve four bands which can range from 'good' to 'excellent'. Typically, the band descriptors will provide an overview of the features of the four levels, which include accuracy, range of language, fluency, organisation, grammar and vocabulary. A 'good' level will usually include the basic nuances of the language, whereas 'very good' could include variations in chunks of language, some lexical choices, appropriate presenting style and an excellent awareness of cultural differences. Furthermore, at the 'excellent' level, the descriptors may look for features such as advanced discourse management, a wide range of varied language, a strong argument presented with clarity and a strong cultural awareness. Therefore, the band descriptors provide an excellent way of assessing the quality of written English in a range of contexts, such as in IELTS writing task 2.

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